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Form 990 The Nonprofit Sector in the United States: A Resource Guide Research Guides at Library of Congress

Form 990

A donee isn’t required to report as contributions on Form 990 (including statements) any of the additional deductions claimed by donors under section 170(m)(1). An organization described in section 170(c) (except a private foundation) that receives or accrues net income from a qualified intellectual property contribution must file Form 8899, Notice of Income From Donated Intellectual Property. The organization must file Form 8899 for any tax year that includes any part of the 10-year period beginning on the date of contribution but not for any tax years in which the legal life of the qualified intellectual property has expired or the property failed to produce net income.

Form 990

An organization manager’s participation is due to reasonable cause if the manager has exercised responsibility on behalf of the organization with ordinary business care and prudence. In general, if a line requires a “Yes” or “No” answer and the answer isn’t the same for all subordinate organizations to which the line applies, then check “Yes,” and explain the answer in the schedule’s supplemental information section (if applicable) or on Schedule O (Form 990). For the following lines, however, check “No” if the answer is “No” for any of the subordinates to which the line applies, and explain on Schedule O. The local or subordinate organization must permit public inspection, or comply with a request for copies made in person, within a reasonable amount of time (normally not more than 2 weeks) after receiving a request made in person for public inspection or copies and at a reasonable time of day. However, if the group return includes separate statements for each local or subordinate organization included in the group return, the local or subordinate organization receiving the request can omit any statements relating only to other organizations included in the group return.

Required Filing (Form 990 Series)

Other compensation paid to the person by a related organization at any time during the calendar year ending with or within the filing organization’s tax year should be reported in column (F). If the related organization was related to the filing organization for only a portion of the tax year, then the filing organization may choose to report only other compensation paid or accrued by the related organization during the time it was actually related. If the filing organization reports compensation on this basis, it must explain on Schedule O (Form 990) and state the period during which the related organization was related.

The following is a list of special instructions for the form and schedules regarding the reporting of a disregarded entity of which the organization is the sole member. These items are described to illustrate special applications of the rule described above that a disregarded entity’s activities and items must be reported on the organization’s Form 990 and applicable schedules. Any person who doesn’t comply with the public inspection requirements will be assessed a penalty of $20 for each day that inspection wasn’t permitted, up to a maximum of $10,000 for each return. Organizations with gross receipts exceeding $1 million will be assessed a penalty of $100 for each day, not to exceed $50,000 for each return. The penalties for failure to comply with the public inspection requirements for applications are the same as those for annual returns, except that the $10,000 limitation doesn’t apply (sections 6652(c)(1)(C) and (D)).

What’s a 990 form? A charity accounting expert explains

Certain nonprofits have more comprehensive reporting requirements, such as hospitals and other healthcare organizations. If a disqualified person makes a payment of less than the full correction amount, the 200% tax is imposed only on the unpaid portion of the correction amount. If more than one disqualified person received an excess benefit from an excess benefit transaction, all the disqualified persons are jointly and severally liable for the taxes. For purposes How to Void a Check of section 4958, any officer, director, or trustee of an applicable tax-exempt organization, or any individual having powers or responsibilities similar to officers, directors, or trustees of the organization, regardless of title. Enter the total of (a) all pledges receivable, less any amounts estimated to be uncollectible, including pledges made by officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated employees; and (b) all grants receivable.

Form 990

Separate payments of $75 or less made at different times of the year for separate fundraising events won’t be aggregated for purposes of the $75 threshold. Corporation K makes a $50,000 payment to J and in return, J offers K’s employees free admission, a t-shirt with J’s logo that costs J $4.50, and a 25% gift shop discount. Because the free admission is a privilege that can be exercised frequently and is offered in both benefit packages, and the value of the t-shirts is insubstantial, Museum J’s disclosure statement need not value or mention the free admission benefit or the t-shirts. However, because the 25% gift shop discount to K’s employees differs from the 10% discount offered in the basic membership benefits package, J’s disclosure statement must describe the 25% discount, but need not estimate its value. If a taxpayer makes a payment to a charitable organization in a fundraising campaign and receives benefits with an FMV of not more than 2% of the amount of the payment, or $117, whichever is less, the benefits received have insubstantial value in determining the taxpayer’s contribution. A donee organization reports all income from donated qualified intellectual property as income other than contributions (for example, royalty income from a patent).

Where to Find Nonprofit Financial Information

A “qualified real property interest” means any of the following interests in real property. Generally, include common and preferred stocks, bonds (including governmental obligations such as bonds and Treasury bills), mutual fund shares, and other investments listed and regularly traded in an over-the-counter market or an established exchange and for which market quotations are published Cashing Old Checks: How Long Is A Check Good For? or are otherwise readily available. (See further explanation in the instructions for Part X, line 11; and Schedule M (Form 990), Noncash Contributions, line 9). Deferred compensation that is earned pursuant to a nonqualified plan or nongovernmental section 457 plan. Different rules can apply for purposes of identifying arrangements subject to sections 83, 409A, 457(f), and 3121(v).

This requirement is separate from the written substantiation acknowledgment a donor needs for deductibility purposes. While, in certain circumstances, an organization may be able to meet both requirements with the same written document, an organization must be careful to satisfy the section 6115 written disclosure statement requirement in a timely manner because of the penalties involved. If the organization received from a donor a partially completed Form 8283, Noncash Charitable Contributions, the donee organization should generally complete the Form 8283 and return it so the donor can get a charitable contribution deduction. If an organization receives a charitable contribution of property and within 3 years sells, exchanges, or otherwise disposes of the property, the organization may need to file Form 8282, Donee Information Return.

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